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She is an ambassador for CAU and supports our dear alma mater with her time, talent, and treasure by: creating policy proposals as a Trustee, serving the alumni association in leadership roles, mentoring students, fundraising, soliciting alumni support for students, keeping alumni informed as an accessible Trustee, and enhancing alumni engagement by encouraging us to give our service and financial support to CAU. 


CAU has a notable link to the United Methodist Church. Ermina is a United Methodist thanks to Clark College.   


As a young college co-ed in the Ivy Leaf Pledge Club, she visited Ben Hill UMC in 1980, throughout college, and until she became a member in 1985. She is a former usher and is a member of BMCR (Black Methodists for Church Renewal).  She has served as chair of the Young Adult Ministry, on Staff-Parish Relations, Administrative Board, and Council on Ministries. 

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Trustee Hill has established a reputation and leadership presence, nationally and locally in our alumni community to do two things very well: 


(1) demonstrate her value through fundraising, alumni engagement, and student-centered activities; and (2) connect with CAU's stakeholders in genuine and unique ways.  


This authenticity has served our alumni and the University well during her term on the CAU Board of Trustees and service to CAUAA. 


Ermina believes the foundation to build motivated and engaged alumni is laid on Day One of freshman orientation.  


As an alumni mentor visits campus to support her students for their activities and accomplishments.  Organically, Ermina and her classmates set examples, and pour into their mentees by celebrating birthdays, taking them to dinner, encouraging them to take advantage of opportunities on and off campus, taking them to University Galas, connecting them with alumni, and just being available when needed.   

© 2017, 2021, 2022, 2023 by Ermina Hill for CAU Board of Trustees

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